This programs (v.0.1) estimates inbreeding depression (directional dominance)
from a additive-dominance GWAS summary statistics, using a LD score regression framework.
The theory underlying this method is described in Yengo et al. (2021):
Genomic partitioning of inbreeding depression in humans, AJHG 2021
doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2021.06.005
PMID: 34214457

To run the program users need to

(1) unzip the ldscore files (current version)

(2) run a command like this

	./ldscdom --sumstat sumstats.txt --ld-score ukb.ldscore --out myOUTPUT

(3) CHeck the help by typing ./ldscdom --help

	Results will be displayed in the standard output (stdout) and log file.
	The [--out myOUTPUT] option generates a file named myOUTPUT.ldscdom.log with the results.
	That file can be read in R as described below:
	R> results <- read.table("myOUTPUT.ldscdom.log",h=T,stringsAsFactors=F,sep="\t")