
My dotfiles.

Primary LanguageShell

Arko's Dotfiles

My dotfiles.

There is no place like -- No longer valid...

How to Install

If you want to stay up to date with the very latest code, clone the git repository:

git clone git://github.com/Arko/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Or, if you don't have git, you can just download the latest source as a tarball:

curl -L http://github.com/Arko/dotfiles/tarball/master -o arko-dotfiles-master.tar.gz
tar -xzvf arko-dotfiles-master.tar.gz

Finally, change to the cloned or extracted dotfiles directory and run install


What will happen?

Whether you use git clone or the tarball download, running the install script will:

  1. Check for conflicting files and offer to safely backup them.
  2. Create the ~/.dotfiles directory, if needed
  3. Copy all dotfiles to ~/.dotfiles, if needed
  4. Symlink ~/.dotfiles/bashrc to ~/.bashrc
  5. Symlink ~/.dotfiles/bash_profile to ~/.bash_profile