
Sample web application with Scala

Primary LanguageScala

Sample Scala Web

This repo is a sample project of a principled scala web application.


It is split in multiple modules to allow other project to depend only on some part and clarify dependencies (with libraries and between modules) Modules :

  • libs/scalautils: basic utils that can be useful everywhere
  • core: core business logic, should depend on very few lib
  • infra: connectors for the domain logic with other systems (db, api...)
  • web: expose the service through HTTP (UI and API)

Architecture principles

  • hexagonal architecture

Tech stack

  • language: scala
  • utils: cats, shapeless, refined
  • config: hocon, pureconfig
  • json serialization: circe
  • database: postgres, h2, doobie, flyway
  • web: play 2 / http4s, twirl
  • UI: bootstrap
  • API: REST / graphql, sangria
  • tests: scalatest, scalacheck
  • metrics: prometheus
  • build: sbt / mill, coursier, sbt-buildinfo, sbt-updates, splain, sbt-dependency-graph, sbt-revolver, sbt-microsites
  • code quality: scoverage, scalafmt, scalastyle, wartremover
  • service: github, codacy
  • doc: tut, swagger

Use it

Running the web-http4s module

Launch the class com.sample.web.Launcher, it will start the webserver

You can also use the sbt-revolver plugin for hot reload, for that :

  • start sbt shell: sbt
  • select webHttp4s project: project webHttp4s
  • launch reStart with recompilation: ~reStart

To exit :

  • press Enter to exit the recompilation mode
  • run reStop to stop the server