
Fuzzcheck InputGenerator for a custom graph data structure

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Fuzzcheck-rs example

This repo contains a very basic graph library. It also contains a fuzz folder that was generated with cargo fuzzcheck init. That folder contains all the fuzz tests as well as additional code needed by the fuzz tester. For example, the file fuzz/src/lib.rs defines a GraphInputGenerator type that defines how to fuzz inputs of type Graph. It also contains a fuzz test at fuzz/fuzz_targets/target1.rs.

To run the fuzz test, first install the cargo fuzzcheck tool by running:

cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/loiclec/fuzzcheck-rs

Then set your version of rust to nightly and initialize the fuzz folder:

rustup override set nightly
cargo fuzzcheck init

And finally run the fuzz test called target1 with:

cargo fuzzcheck run target1 fuzz

Content of fuzz test

extern crate graph;
use graph::Graph;

extern crate graph_fuzz;
use graph_fuzz::GraphGenerator;

extern crate fuzzcheck;
use fuzzcheck::fuzzer;

extern crate fuzzcheck_input;
use fuzzcheck_input::integer::IntegerGenerator;
use fuzzcheck_input::vector::VectorGenerator;

fn test(graph: &Graph<i8>) -> bool {
    graph.nodes.len() >= 8 && 
    graph.nodes[0].data == 63 && 
    graph.nodes[1].data == 3 &&
    graph.nodes[2].data == -56 &&
    graph.nodes[3].data == 100 &&
    graph.nodes[4].data == -100 &&
    graph.nodes[5].data == -78 &&
    graph.nodes[6].data == 46 &&
    graph.nodes[7].data == 120 &&
    graph.nodes[0].edges.len() == 2 && 
    graph.nodes[0].edges[0] == 1 && 
    graph.nodes[0].edges[1] == 2 && 
    graph.nodes[1].edges.len() == 2 && 
    graph.nodes[1].edges[0] == 3 && 
    graph.nodes[1].edges[1] == 4 && 
    graph.nodes[2].edges.len() == 2 && 
    graph.nodes[2].edges[0] == 5 && 
    graph.nodes[2].edges[1] == 6 && 
    graph.nodes[3].edges.len() == 1 && 
    graph.nodes[3].edges[0] == 7 && 
    graph.nodes[4].edges.len() == 0 && 
    graph.nodes[5].edges.len() == 0 && 
    graph.nodes[6].edges.len() == 0 && 
    graph.nodes[7].edges.len() == 0 {
        return false

fn main() {
    let i8_gen = IntegerGenerator::<i8>::default();
    let graph_gen = GraphGenerator::new(i8_gen);

    let _ = fuzzer::launch(test, graph_gen);