
Parser for UCI protocol written in node.js, to help to easily create UCI modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

UCI parser for Node.js

Parser for UCI protocol written in node.js, to help to easily create UCI modules.


npm install --save uci-parser

Usage example

const UCIParser = require('uci-parser');

let uci = new UCIParser();

uci.on('uci', opts => {
  console.log('<< uci', opts);
  console.log('>> uciok');

uci.on('debug', opts => {
  console.log('<< debug', opts);

uci.on('setoption', opts => {
  console.log('<< setoption', opts);

uci.on('register', opts => {
  console.log('<< register', opts);

uci.on('ucinewgame', opts => {
  console.log('<< ucinewgame', opts);

uci.on('isready', opts => {
  console.log('<< isready', opts);
  console.log('>> readyok');

uci.on('position', opts => {
  console.log('<< position', opts);

uci.on('go', opts => {
  console.log('<< go', opts);
  console.log('>> bestmove e2e4');

uci.on('stop', opts => {
  console.log('<< stop', opts);
  console.log('>> bestmove d2d4');

uci.on('ponderhit', opts => {
  console.log('<< ponderhit', opts);

uci.on('quit', opts => {
  console.log('<< quit', opts);



You can now try the different commands in the prompt with: node indes.js

<< uci {}
>> uciok
debug on
<< debug { debug: true }
setoption name Nullmove value true
<< setoption { Nullmove: 'true' }
setoption name Style value Very risky
<< setoption { Style: 'Very risky' }
register name
<< register { token: 'name' }
<< ucinewgame {}
<< isready {}
>> readyok
position startpos moves e2e4 e7e5
<< position { fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1',
  moves: [ 'e2e4', 'e7e5' ] }
go infinite binc 12 winc 24 nodes 200 searchmoves e2e4 d2d4 g1f3 ponder
<< go { ponder: true,
  infinite: true,
  binc: 12,
  winc: 24,
  nodes: 200,
  searchmoves: [ 'e2e4', 'd2d4', 'g1f3' ] }
>> bestmove e2e4
<< stop {}
>> bestmove d2d4
<< ponderhit {}
<< quit {}

Create binary

I recommand to user nexe to create binary UCI module.