Parser for UCI protocol written in node.js, to help to easily create UCI modules.
npm install --save uci-parser
const UCIParser = require('uci-parser');
let uci = new UCIParser();
uci.on('uci', opts => {
console.log('<< uci', opts);
console.log('>> uciok');
uci.on('debug', opts => {
console.log('<< debug', opts);
uci.on('setoption', opts => {
console.log('<< setoption', opts);
uci.on('register', opts => {
console.log('<< register', opts);
uci.on('ucinewgame', opts => {
console.log('<< ucinewgame', opts);
uci.on('isready', opts => {
console.log('<< isready', opts);
console.log('>> readyok');
uci.on('position', opts => {
console.log('<< position', opts);
uci.on('go', opts => {
console.log('<< go', opts);
console.log('>> bestmove e2e4');
uci.on('stop', opts => {
console.log('<< stop', opts);
console.log('>> bestmove d2d4');
uci.on('ponderhit', opts => {
console.log('<< ponderhit', opts);
uci.on('quit', opts => {
console.log('<< quit', opts);
You can now try the different commands in the prompt with: node indes.js
<< uci {}
>> uciok
debug on
<< debug { debug: true }
setoption name Nullmove value true
<< setoption { Nullmove: 'true' }
setoption name Style value Very risky
<< setoption { Style: 'Very risky' }
register name
<< register { token: 'name' }
<< ucinewgame {}
<< isready {}
>> readyok
position startpos moves e2e4 e7e5
<< position { fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1',
moves: [ 'e2e4', 'e7e5' ] }
go infinite binc 12 winc 24 nodes 200 searchmoves e2e4 d2d4 g1f3 ponder
<< go { ponder: true,
infinite: true,
binc: 12,
winc: 24,
nodes: 200,
searchmoves: [ 'e2e4', 'd2d4', 'g1f3' ] }
>> bestmove e2e4
<< stop {}
>> bestmove d2d4
<< ponderhit {}
<< quit {}
I recommand to user nexe to create binary UCI module.