Here is my git repo for my Docker files related to Cloudera Hadoop CDH, to start, best is to check the documentation on https://github.com/loicmathieu/docker-cdh/tree/master/cloudera-cdh-edgenode
- abgmDublin
- aland-zhangchina
- Amab@Stratio
- apexkaws911Taiwan Kaohsiung
- BaggioEx
- birui北京
- bobquest33
- c3h3agilearning.io
- chainkite
- dick318
- ferdinandosimonettiGenova, Italy
- gadbees
- GiuseppeGiacoppoRome, Italy
- gogo-zzzz
- HeavenFeelAsia/Beijing
- hepyuKingsoft Disk
- josephkEA
- junxin
- khaferkampGermany
- loicmathieu@kestra-io
- luis-zero
- mysky528chinasofti
- naihetxi
- ndigatiLos Angeles
- pomber
- srikumarscExponentia US Inc
- sugasday
- tang350476527
- Tianny
- verybusybusiness
- xiaobaolxy
- xspeng3210
- zeroro88
- zhaohc10Emeryville CA
- zhenglinjHangzhou, China
- ZinniaSun2000