
Random Uniform Sampling

Primary LanguagePython


A lightweight module for generating samples from interable data structures.

Random sampling is often applied to very large datasets and in particular to data streams. In this case, the random sample has to be generated in one pass over an initially unknown population. An elegant and efficient approach to generate random samples from data streams is the use of a reservoir of size k, where k is sample size. The reservoir-based sampling algorithms maintain the invariant that, at each step of the sampling process, the contents of the reservoir are a valid random sample for the set of items that have been processed up to that point. --- Weighted Random Sampling over Data Streams


pip install Reservoir


As a command line interface, just run the -h flag to see whats up.

$ res-sample -h

usage: r [-h] [-f FILE | -s] size

Sample k elements from a stream or file

positional arguments:
  size                  The number of elements you wish you sample

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE
  -s, --stream          For use with pipes and redirects

File and Streams

# sample 10 lines from 'input.txt'
$ res-sample -f input.txt 10

To use pipes and redirects use the -s | --stream flag.

# sample 10 lines from my twitter api
$ twitter_stream.py | res-sample  -s 10 > output.txt


As a module the UniformSampler interface is quite simple.

from reservoir import UniformSampler
sampler = UniformSampler(max_samples=2)

# sampler.feed takes in an item at a time
sampler.feed([1, 2, 3]) 

>>> ["github", [1, 2, 3]]

# sampler.stream_sample takes in an iterable and selects the k elements