
A thing-a-ma-jig for weather and the commandline

Primary LanguagePython


##It's a thing-a-ma-jig for weather…and the command line

inspired by this thread on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/commandline/comments/1jjgu1/bash_getting_weather/


  • get a forcast.io api key
  • clone this directory
  • ensure you have python2 and pip setup
  • use pip to install requirements.txt
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install this thing
sudo python2 setup.py install
  • Create a ~/.weathermajig yaml config file like
# Dark sky api key
api_key: 123456789notakey
cache_dir: /tmp/weathermajig.cache
  • enjoy the weather
$ weathermajig "Boulder"
☁ Mostly Clo… [47°F]

$ weathermajig -v "Boulder"

Thu 04/09/15 07:40:34 PM
Forecast for Boulder
HIGH: 54.75°F
LOW: 36.54°F
☁ Mostly Cloudy


Here's what this looks like running on a non-mac:

Sweet Emoji on Mac!