
Suggestion - I think player upon starting a job (telemarketing/manufacturing), should be required to attend the job daily until they resign (or get fired)

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I think the jobs will be more engaging (require planning and time management on player's part) and more meaningful when upon starting a job, player will be obligated to do that job daily. Failure to show up to work should result in being fired, either without ability to re-apply or be able to re-apply with a set delay (like a week or so). If player does not want to continue the job, they should terminate their employement (with ability to re-apply immediately at any time).

I think player should not have a limit on how many jobs they take on, it should be on player to keep up with the schedule.

There could prehaps be some variation on the amount of working days, like instead of 5 working days maybe have 4, and/or allow player to select which days they want to work on, and which they want to be freed of (allowing to do multiple jobs in a week).

If it would be done, the mental health punishment from telemarketing is too strong right now and it would need to be changed.

If player does not want to continue the job, they should terminate their employement

There should also be a two weeks notice but shorter