
This is a website we built for 67-250 The Information Systems Milieux

Our Client:

Rae Burket Shoes is experiencing explosive growth, and it has come to a point where they must reevaluate their business and IT strategy to ensure that their growth continues. The website is a solution to the problems Rae Burket is facing in three key areas: Technical, Organizational, and Marketing.

Our Solution:

  1. Internationalize the landing page:
    • offers language selection before entering the site
    • the language on the eCommerce homepage changes accordingly
    • strengthens multiple overseas markets
  2. Build up a long-term trust with customers:
    • emphasizes one of the biggest philanthropic campaign: "Get 2 Give"
    • allows users to add immediate feedbacks to all sorts of products
    • offers Rae Burket apparels and accessories to loyal customers
  3. Modernize the old eCommerce website
    • responsive website
    • user experience design
    • ...