## 67-272: Bread Express ##

This will be the starter code for the course project in 67-272: Application Design and Development. More notes will follow depending on the phase of the project.

To set this up, clone this repository, run the ‘bundle install` command to ensure you have all the needed gems and then create the database with `rake db:migrate`. If you want to populate the system with fictitious, but somewhat realistic data, you can run the `rake db:populate` command. The populate script will create:

  • 120 customers

  • over 600 orders

  • a menu of 5 types of breads, 3 varieties of muffins and 1 type of pastry

Many objects are created with some element of randomness so you will get slightly different results each time it is run. However, employee-type users are fixed. In terms of employee-type users there are two admins – Alex (username: ‘alex’) and Mark (username: ‘mark’) – and a shipper (username: ‘shipper’) and a baker (username: ‘baker’). All customers have a username which is ‘user’ with a sequential set of numbers concatentated. (user1 - user120 should exist for you to log in as and experiment.) All users in the system have a password of ‘secret’.

Instructions for what needs to be done for this project can be found in the write-up found on the [67-272 course site](67272.cmuis.net/projects).