
textual inventory system backed by git

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


Build Status Documentation Status codecov

Onyo is a text-based inventory system built on top of git. It uses the filesystem as the index and git to track history. This allows much of Onyo's functionality to be just a thin wrapper around git commands.


See the documentation for installation instructions and general information about Onyo.

Report Issues

For general feedback, bug reports, and comments, please open an issue.



Non-Python Dependencies:

In addition to Python >= 3.7, Onyo depends on a few system utilities.


apt-get install git tig tree


brew install git tig tree

Setup and activate virtual environment:

python -m venv ~/.venvs/onyo
source ~/.venvs/onyo/bin/activate

Clone the repo and install package and dependencies for tests, documentation:

git clone https://github.com/psyinfra/onyo.git
cd onyo
pip install -e ".[tests, docs]"


Tests are run from the top-level of the repository.

pytest -vv

Generating code coverage reports requires some small gymnastics due to Onyo's tests running in different working directories.

REPO_ROOT=$PWD COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=${REPO_ROOT}/.coveragerc pytest -vv --cov


Build the docs.

make -C docs clean html