The goal of this library is to use the bulma class syntax as components and props.
3kb minified
Demo and try the live demo too :)
Exemple with grid system
Original Bulma way:
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column is-half is-offset-one-quarter">
A column
Vue-bulma-component way:
<columns is-mobile>
<column is-half is-offset-one-quarter>
A column
One cool feature of using the Bulma css api as directives is toggling them. See how the is-loading
class is handled
<button class="button is-dark" :class="{ 'is-loading': bool }">
Vue-bulma-component way:
<b-button is-dark :is-loading"bool">
Much nicer right ? ;)
yarn add vue-bulma-components
npm install --save vue-bulma-components
Then install Bulma however you want :).
Inside your main.js
import vueBulmaComponents from 'vue-bulma-components'
You can also prefix all the bulma components (to avoid collision with existing components in your project)
import vueBulmaComponents from 'vue-bulma-components'
Vue.use(vueBulmaComponents, {prefix: 'y-'})
Instead of using <columns/>
you need to use <y-columns/>
import { bulmaComponentGenerator } from 'vue-bulma-components'
export default {
components: {
box: bulmaComponentGenerator('box')
Yes, you can actually create any vue-bulma-component by calling bulmaComponentGenerator(bulmaComponentStr)
By default, most of the components are rendered as <div>
. You can also use the prop outerElement="span"
to change this behavior.
If you want to globally apply default outer element for some bulma component, you can use outerElement
option on Vue.use()
import vueBulmaComponents from 'vue-bulma-components'
Vue.use(vueBulmaComponents, {
outerElement: {
'navbar': 'nav',
'navbar-item': 'a'
If you use the Vue.use()
method to use the vue-bulma-components.
Most of the components are named after the bulma class they belong to.
Ex: <box/> <card/> <panel/> ...
However, some bulma components are also named after native html element. This is why they are prefixed.
Ex :
- Bulma :
- vue-component-bulma:
. This prefix is used to avoid collision with native html<input>
If you generate bulma components
import { bulmaComponentGenerator } from 'vue-bulma-components'
export default {
components: {
box: bulmaComponentGenerator('box', 'span')
bulmaComponentGenerator(bulma_coponent_name,rendered_outer_html_element )
Note: rendered_outer_html_element
is optional.
Currently you cannot use v-model with <b-input>
as expected. Because vue-bulma-components
use functional components.
Don't worry, you can still bind a value to a <b-input>
component using @input
event (it's what v-model does under the hood):
<b-input :value="foo" @input="handleInputChange"/>
export default {
data: () => ({
foo: ''
method: {
handleInputChange (e) { =