Pinned issues
- 0
han4zi =>han4zi4
#514 opened by lagleki - 0
French diacritics
#513 opened by lagleki - 0
mistype: "Is is true that" after example 14.92
#512 opened by lagleki - 0
The glosses are shifted from the original.
#511 opened by Oheto - 0
The order of sequence is broken.
#510 opened by Oheto - 0
A confusion of the name usage.
#509 opened by Oheto - 0
"zdani" is glossed and translated as "store".
#508 opened by Oheto - 0
Gloss of "la" is missing.
#507 opened by Oheto - 0
{vi} is incorrectly glossed as [short-time-distance]
#506 opened by Oheto - 1
can there be more than one bridi tail in a sentence?
#505 opened by lagleki - 0
{ke'a} incorrectly attributed to GOhA
#504 opened by lagleki - 3
Time to break sections down?
#501 opened by RobertBaruch - 0
North wind uses {lenu} and {lonu} inconsistently
#503 opened by lagleki - 0
Restore the YACC grammar section
#502 opened by lagleki - 0
Definition of {ce}
#500 opened by lagleki - 0
Power in ex.18.113
#498 opened by lagleki - 0
"several" in " several bo -marked connectives "
#499 opened by lagleki - 0
existential requantification
#496 opened by lagleki - 0
nunkilca'a, not nunkilbra, should be used
#475 opened by up4kid - 1
- 0
Dark mode compat: Alter CSS so HTML and BODY have the same background color
#474 opened by NathanHawks - 0
ke'a doesn't always fill the first empty slot
#489 opened by lagleki - 1
tosmabru test description is unclear
#466 opened by vpbroman - 1
Mathematical "du" is not identity
#465 opened by vpbroman - 0
mi klama cei brode = claim-1
#481 opened by lagleki - 0
Matrix transpose should use superscript T
#473 opened by lagleki - 0
« ko'i xi paso » instead of « ko'i xipabi »
#476 opened by la-kanba - 0
le mlatu viska le finpe
#477 opened by la-kanba - 0
3.12: incorrect mapping to L
#479 opened by lagleki - 0
incorrect audio
#480 opened by lagleki - 2
18.118 Improper connective for mekso operators
#495 opened by mattfbacon - 0
19.6 says that {xi} is used only for cmavo.
#482 opened by lagleki - 0
18.122 improper range usage
#494 opened by mattfbacon - 0
14.133 doesn't parse
#491 opened by lagleki - 0
14.131 doesn't parse
#490 opened by lagleki - 0
slip ups in describing cmevla with dotsides
#464 opened by vpbroman - 0
17.15 {xelveticas}
#492 opened by lagleki - 0
Example 18.80 is numbered wrong
#493 opened by mattfbacon - 0
Error in la brife
#478 opened by lagleki - 0
Chapter 9 uses "toad" instead of "Road"
#485 opened by lagleki - 0
Resolution of {do} when vocatives are used.
#488 opened by lagleki - 0
Scope of {xu} vs {xukau}
#487 opened by lagleki - 0
formal grammar of mex with left recursion
#486 opened by lagleki - 0
Section 10.12 {djedi} as "timestamped day"
#484 opened by lagleki - 0
formal grammar of tanru with left recursion
#483 opened by lagleki - 0
unclear requirements on the form of a fu'ivla
#467 opened by vpbroman - 3
Do we have CLL in other formats?
#472 opened by ksqsf - 0
Pictures are not visible when in dark screen mode
#470 opened by lagleki - 0
Chemical nomenclature
#469 opened by lagleki - 0