
Demo Tab for IE10 on Windows7 Error

JAugustoGuimaraes opened this issue · 5 comments

The "Live Demo" Tab for IE10 on Windows7 does not work!


It does not work for my Chrome 30 either, nor I.E.

Can you please define what you mean by "does not work"? Screenshots would be helpful.

@lojjic, here is a video of the site being used: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cI6r3lVsi5 (literally nothing happens when clicking on the tab's in the demo)

OK, here's the second sentence from that page:

"The tabs don't actually do anything, as that would require extra JavaScript beyond the scope of this demo."

This is only a demo of the CSS styling.

Oh right... failboat.

Some factors why this would be a common belief that it's not working and makes people think the product is shoddy if there's a bug on the site: (and some suggestions to think about:)

  1. No one reads that much on a 'demo' page
  2. It says "Live demo" in much larger text than that sentence - live implies working and active
  3. Instead of latin in the prime position, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" could be changed to something like "tabs don't actually do anything, they aren't wired up with javascript"