- 1
2.0 beta not working with HTML5 "main" element
#270 opened by thelucid - 2
border-radius not working in IE6,7, and 8
#281 opened by prateekjadhwani - 2
PIE don't work in IE8
#315 opened by gongph - 1
I can't find under which folder
#312 opened by JunedanVan - 4
border-image support for IE10?
#264 opened by AaronVanGeffen - 1
- 4
PIE background scrolls doubly in IE8 Standards mode
#306 opened by CJDennis - 5
Feature: CSS3 3D Transformation
#305 opened by dalisoft - 1
"access denied" occurs in low version of IE8
#274 opened by neekey - 1
missing file
#307 opened by geeknation - 0
JQuery will thrown Error when use PIE. IE
#304 opened by gucong3000 - 0
use PIE with E:hover,It
#301 opened by gucong3000 - 2
use PIE with E:hover, element jitter occurs in IE
#302 opened by gucong3000 - 0
A problem in https protocol
#299 opened by wellingfine - 4
PIE 2 has js errors in IE8
#297 opened by u353 - 2
- 2
#272 opened by foodgy - 0
Box shadown not working in IE8 , IE7 , IE6
#296 opened by cmohanraj10 - 1
Background disappears. At least in IE8
#295 opened by sselvaggi - 1
PIE causing hover effect delay in IE8
#294 opened by oalberdi - 2
Pie is not working for dynamic content in IE8
#291 opened by mrapaka - 1
- 1
Filter: gardient for IE9 crashes border-radius in IE8
#292 opened by VoVaVc - 0
[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.
#290 opened by timgluz - 0
Gradient upside down in IE8 (not IE9)
#289 opened by AJenbo - 2
header-default.php contain a comment
#288 opened by szepeviktor - 5
Demo Tab for IE10 on Windows7 Error
#263 opened by JAugustoGuimaraes - 1
Now background if shadow
#286 opened by metal3d - 2
IE8 border issue on some elements.
#283 opened by JordanMichael2158 - 0
- 0
- 5
IE9 Problem
#282 opened by mjza - 0
PIE Hover issue
#280 opened by KunalChawla2511 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 4
Troubles with <base> tag on subdomain
#271 opened by showoffer - 0
- 0
- 0
PIE don't work on <tr> element
#268 opened by xnhinzkyx - 4
opacity issue with PIE 2.0 Beta
#258 opened by ymorin007 - 3
CSSPIE 2 IE9 gradient
#266 opened by alexilin83 - 1
PIE on input
#265 opened by Colir - 1
PIE 2.0 beta not working ie6~ie7 but working ie8 for Cakephp Framework ( PIE1.0 ie6~ie8 working well with cakephp)
#267 opened by dbwhddn10 - 0
Endless loading with no-cache in IE9
#262 opened by lojjic - 3
input problem
#260 opened by kerny- - 1
:first-child problem
#261 opened by kerny- - 2
- 5
Bizarre Textarea Behavior in IE8
#257 opened by nickelfault - 0
Internet Explorer/Google Chrome Frame crash
#256 opened by KasimAhmic