Futu API in Elixir
Official documentation: Futu API 文檔 v5.12
Make sure you have FutuOpenD executable downloaded on your machine. Checkout the official document if you have no idea about this thing.
If you want to use it in docker container or deployment on cloud instances, futu-opend-docker.
def deps do
{:futu, "~> 2.10.0"}
Start GenServer
{:ok, _pid} = Futu.start(%{host: "localhost", port: 11_111, name: :futu_client})
Retrieve historical stocks data
opts = [
market: Futu.Quote.Historical.market(:hk_security),
code: 1,
period: Futu.Quote.Historical.period(:daily),
from: ~N[2021-08-08 00:00:00],
max_rows: 5
{:ok, stocks} = Futu.historical(:futu_client, opts) # Protocol ID 3103
Connect multiple Futu clients
{:ok, _pid} = Futu.start(%{host: "localhost", port: 11_111, name: :client_1})
{:ok, _pid} = Futu.start(%{host: "localhost", port: 55_555, name: :client_2})
{:ok, _res} = Futu.account_list(:client_2, [userID: 0])
Get account funds
opts = [
header: [
trdEnv: 1,
accID: acc_id,
trdMarket: 1
currency: 1
{:ok, _res} = Futu.account_funds(:mix_task, opts)
trade_env = 0 # simulate
trade_market = 1 # HK
account_id =
md5_password =
trade_header = header: [
trdEnv: trade_env,
accID: account_id,
trdMarket: trade_market
unlock_opts = [
unlock: true,
pwdMD5: md5_password,
securityFirm: 1 # HK
Futu.unlock_trade(:futu_client, unlock_opts)
place_order_opts = [
packetID: [
connID: Futu.get_conn_id(:futu_client),
serialNo: 111
header: trade_header,
trdSide: 2, # buy
orderType: 1, # 限价单
code: code,
qty: 1,
price: price,
secMarket: 1, # HK
remark: "test"
{:ok, place_order_respond} = Futu.place_order(:futu_client, place_order_opts)
order_list_opts = [
header: trade_header
{:ok, order_list_opts_respond} = Futu.order_list(:futu_client, order_list_opts)
position_list_opts = [
header: trade_header,
refreshCache: true
{:ok, position_list_respond} = Futu.position_list(:futu_client, position_list_opts)
# Subscribe event
acc_id_list = []
Futu.subscription(:mix_task, %{accIDList: acc_id_list})
# Config
config :futu,
order_update_callback: [Futu.UpdateNotifier, :handle_info]
More examples, please checkout Mix Tasks
Both are automatically intiated and supervised in GenServers when the application start, no extra care required for this part.