
example of running locust test framework

Primary LanguagePython

title summary
Locust example
Learn how to use locust to test the database.

locust test

This document describes how to use locust to test the database


pip install pymysql mysql-connector sqlalchemy gevent locust

How to let the client run your query

For now we have two custom clients

  • PoolClient: Acquire a connection from connection pool. And dosen't use prepare statment.
  • PrepareStmtClient: Create a long connection. Use prepare statment.


  • When USE_PREPARE_STMT is true, we will use PrepareStmtClient.
  • PoolClient: self.client.execute("SELECT * FROM test.sbtest1 WHERE id>1 AND id<100;")
  • PrepareStmtClient: self.client.execute("SELECT * FROM test.sbtest1 WHERE id > ? AND id < ?;", (1, 100, ))

How to run locust

  1. You can specify information such as IP address and Port number in the config.py file
USER = 'sysb'
PASSWORD = 'sysb'

IP_ADDR = ""
PORT = 3317
# database name
TS_DB_NAME = "test"

# False: Create a connection from connection pool. And dosen't use prepare_stmt.
# True: Create a long connection. Use prepare_stmt.
  1. Run bash start_worker.sh ${WorkerNumber}. ${Workernumber} indicates how many Locust processes will be created. We will have one master process and ${WorkerNumber} workers processes. If you want to run Locust with multiple machines, please refer to how to run distributed.

  2. Wait a few seconds until all workers are connected to the master.

  3. Open http://your_locust_master_ip:8089/ and start swarming.

  4. When you don't want to test. First click Stop buttom on website. Then Run pkill -9 locust to kill locust processes.

More about locust

If you want to knonw

@task means ... 
@task(2) means ... 
on_start(self) means ...

See how to write locust file.