
A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a markdown zettelkasten / Wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a text-based, markdown zettelkasten / Wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim.

Find notes by name, daily and weekly notes by date, search within all notes, place and follow links to your notes or create new ones, with templates. Current daily and weekly notes are (optionally) created if not present when searching for dailies or weeklies. Following a link to a non-existing note can also create the missing note (optional).

Telekasten.nvim can optionally plug into calendar-vim: Selecting a day in the calendar will open up a telescope search with preview that lets you open the daily note (or cancel out and keep browsing your calendar). The daily note will be created if it doesn't exist. Days with daily notes get marked in the calendar.

If you have xclip installed, Telekasten.nvim can even paste images from the clipboard into a dedicated sub-directory and insert a wiki or markdown link at the current cursor position!

After having written the infamous sublime_zk for SublimeText, having moved on to my standalone sublimeless_zk, having tried Roam Research and Obsidian.md (which I still use sparingly), I have eventually arrived back at the editor I feel at home the most: Neovim 😄! I can literally live inside of nvim now, not only for writing code.

This is the result of my first days of hacking neovim with lua (more features have been added since, see Use it below the screenshots):



Search-based navigation

Every navigation action, like following a link, is centered around a Telescope search: a Telescope search popup is opened, and in the case of following a link, the search-text is pre-filled with the target. So, instead of opening the linked note, you get a preview in Telescope and can decide if you actually want to go there. Since the search is often likely to show up more than one result, you can preview related notes immediately.

The preview is a powerful feature

Leaving the opening of the note to Telescope, you can decide with one keypress whether you want to open the note in a split or in the current window - or if you've seen enough.

I find that pressing the enter key to confirm the search does not interrupt my flow, and I really enjoy being able to check the preview. I often get enough information from it alone so I don't actually have to "visit" every note in terms of being able to edit it.

Install and setup

0. Prerequisites


Since this plugin uses telescope.nvim, you need to install it first.

Neovim (v0.5.1) or the latest neovim nighly commit is required for telescope.nvim to work.

calendar-vim Plugin (optional)

Telekasten.nvim can optionally plug into calendar-vim: Selecting a day in the calendar will open up a telescope search with preview that lets you open the daily note (or cancel out). The daily note will be created if it doesn't exist. Days with daily notes get marked in the calendar.

See below for installing and using it.

For pasting images: xclip (optional)

Telekasten.nvim supports pasting images from the clipboard. Currently, this is only implemented for systems that have the xclip utility installed.

On Ubuntu/Debian like systems:

$ sudo apt-get install xclip

1. Install the plugin

Install with your plugin manager of choice. Mine is Vundle.

Plugin 'renerocksai/telekasten.nvim'

I higly recommend using the calendar integration. For that you'll need calendar-vim:

Plugin 'mattn/calendar-vim'

2. Configure telekasten.nvim

Somewhere in your vim config, put a snippet like this:

lua << END
local home = vim.fn.expand("~/zettelkasten")
    home         = home,
    dailies      = home .. '/' .. 'daily',
    weeklies     = home .. '/' .. 'weekly',
    templates    = home .. '/' .. 'templates',

    -- image subdir for pasting
    -- subdir name 
    -- or nil if pasted images shouldn't go into a special subdir
	image_subdir = "img", 

    -- markdown file extension
    extension    = ".md",

    -- following a link to a non-existing note will create it
    follow_creates_nonexisting = true,
    dailies_create_nonexisting = true,
    weeklies_create_nonexisting = true,

    -- template for new notes (new_note, follow_link)
    template_new_note = home .. '/' .. 'templates/new_note.md',

    -- template for newly created daily notes (goto_today)
    template_new_daily = home .. '/' .. 'templates/daily.md',

    -- template for newly created weekly notes (goto_thisweek)
    template_new_weekly= home .. '/' .. 'templates/weekly.md',

	-- image link style
	-- wiki:     ![[image name]]
	-- markdown: ![](image_subdir/xxxxx.png)
	image_link_style = "markdown",

    -- integrate with calendar-vim
    plug_into_calendar = true,
    calendar_opts = {
        -- calendar week display mode: 1 .. 'WK01', 2 .. 'WK 1', 3 .. 'KW01', 4 .. 'KW 1', 5 .. '1'
        weeknm = 4,
        -- use monday as first day of week: 1 .. true, 0 .. false
        calendar_monday = 1,
        -- calendar mark: where to put mark for marked days: 'left', 'right', 'left-fit'
        calendar_mark = 'left-fit',
setting description example
home path to your zettelkasten folder (folder with markdown files) ~/zettelkasten
dailies path where your daily notes go ~/zettelkasten/daily
weeklies path where your weekly notes go ~/zettelkasten/weekly
templates path where your note templates go ~/zettelkasten/templates
image_subdir sub-directory where pasted images should go img
set to nil if pasted images shouldn't go into a special subdir img
image_link_style style of img links inserted when pasting images from clipboard markdown
markdown ... ![](image_subdir/xxxxx.png)
wiki ... ![[image name]]
extension filename extension of your note files .md
follow_creates_nonexisting following a link to a non-existing note will create it true
dailies_create_nonexisting following a link to a non-existing daily note will create it true
weekly_create_nonexisting following a link to a non-existing weekly note will create it true
template_new_note markdown template for new notes ~/zettelkasten/templates/new_note.md
template_new_daily markdown template for new daily notes ~/zettelkasten/templates/daily.md
template_new_weekly markdown template for new weekly notes ~/zettelkasten/templates/weekly.md
plug_into_calendar activate calendar support if true (needs calendar-vim plugin) true
calendar_opts options for calendar, see below see below

The calendar support has its own options, contained in calendar_opts:

calendar setting description example
weeknm calendar week display mode 1
1 .. 'WK01'
2 .. 'WK 1'
3 .. 'KW01'
4 .. 'KW 1'
5 .. '1'
calendar_monday use monday as start of week if 1 1
calendar_mark where to put marks to mark days with daily notes 'left-fit'
'left' : ugly
'left-fit' : mark to the left of the day
'right' : mark to the right of the day

3. Configure your own colors

Telekasten.nvim allows you to color your [[links]] by providing two syntax groups:

  • tkLink : the link title inside the brackets
  • tkBrackets : the brackets surrounding the link title
  • tkHighlight : ==highlighted== text (non-standard markdown)

The last one, tkHighlight, has nothing to do with links but I added it anyway, since I like highlighting text when taking notes 😄.

You can assign colors to the new syntax groups in your init.vim:

" just blue and gray links
hi tkLink ctermfg=Blue cterm=bold,underline
hi tkBrackets ctermfg=gray

" for gruvbox
hi tkLink ctermfg=72 cterm=bold,underline
hi tkBrackets ctermfg=gray

" highlight ==highlighted== text
hi tkHighlight ctermbg=yellow ctermfg=darkred cterm=bold

Get Help

Telekasten.nvim now comes with its own help file. So you can always:

:h telekasten.nvim


:h telekasten.<TAB>   " or whatever your completion key is there

Use it

The plugin defines the following functions.

  • new_note() : prompts for title and creates new note by template, then shows it in Telescope
  • new_templated_note() : prompts for title and then uses telescope for choosing a template. When a template is selected, a new note is created with it and opened. Should the note exist, it is opened immediately
  • find_notes() : find notes by file name (title), via Telescope
  • find_daily_notes() : find daily notes by date (file names, sorted, most recent first), via Telescope. If today's daily note is not present, it can be created optionally, honoring the configured template
  • goto_today() : pops up a Telescope window with today's daily note pre-selected. Today's note can optionally be created if not present, using the configured template
  • find_weekly_notes() : find weekly notes by week (file names, sorted, most recent first), via Telescope. If this week's weekly note is not present, it can be created optionally, honoring the configured template
  • goto_thisweek() : pops up a Telescope window with this week's weekly note pre-selected. This week's note can optionally be created if not present, using the configured template
  • search_notes(): live grep for word under cursor in all notes (search in notes), via Telescope
  • insert_link() : select a note by name, via Telescope, and place a [[link]] at the current cursor position
  • follow_link(): take text between brackets (linked note) and open a Telescope file finder with it: selects note to open (incl. preview) - with optional note creation for non-existing notes, honoring the configured template
  • yank_notelink() : yank a link to the current note, ready to paste
  • show_calendar() : opens up the calendar in a properly-sized vertical split at the very right
  • paste_img_and_link() : pastes an image from the clipboard into a file under image_subdir and inserts a link to it at the current cursor position
  • toggle_todo() : turn a line into a - [ ] line, or toggle between - [ ], - [x], and - .
  • setup(opts): used for configuring paths, file extension, etc.

To use one of the functions above, just run them with the :lua ... command.

:lua require("telekasten").find_daily_notes()

Note templates

The functions goto_today, goto_thisweek, find_daily_notes, find_weekly_notes, and follow_link can create non-existing notes. This allows you to 'go to today' without having to create today's note beforehand. When you just type [[some link]] and then call follow_link, the 'some link' note can be generated.

The following table shows which command relies on what config option:

telekasten function config option creates what
goto_today dailies_create_nonexisting today's daily note
[ENTER] on a day in the calendar dailies_create_nonexisting selected day's daily note
find_daily_notes dailies_create_nonexisting today's daily note
goto_thisweek weeklies_create_nonexisting this week's weekly note
find_weekly_notes weeklies_create_nonexisting this week's weekly note
follow_link follow_creates_nonexisting new note
new_note always true new note
new_templated_note always true new note

If the associated option is true, non-existing notes will be created.

Template files

The options template_new_note, template_new_daily, and template_new_weekly are used to specify the paths to template text files that are used for creating new notes.

Currently, the following substitutions will be made during new note creation:

specifier in template expands to example
{{title}} the title of the note My new note
{{date}} date in iso format 2021-11-21
{{hdate}} date in long format Sunday, November 21st, 2021
{{week}} week of the year 46
{{year}} year 2021

As an example, this is my template for new notes:

title: {{title}}
date:  {{date}}

And I use this one for daily notes:

title: {{hdate}}

And finally, the weekly notes (that I don't use a lot):

title: {{year}}-W{{week}}
date:  {{hdate}}

# Review Week {{week}} / {{year}}


## Highlights
- **this**!
- that!

## Monday link
## Tuesday link
## Wednesday link
## Thursday link
## Friday link
## Saturday link
## Sunday link

Using the calendar

When invoking show_calendar(), a calendar showing the previous, current, and next month is shown at the right side of vim.

  • days that have a daily note associated with them are marked with a + sign and a different color
  • pressing enter on a day will open up a telescope finder with the associated daily note selected and previewed. The daily note will be created if it doesn't exist. If you choose to not open the note, you will return to the calender so you can preview other notes.

Bind it

Usually, you would set up some key bindings, though:

nnoremap <leader>zf :lua require('telekasten').find_notes()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zd :lua require('telekasten').find_daily_notes()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zg :lua require('telekasten').search_notes()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zz :lua require('telekasten').follow_link()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zt :lua require('telekasten').goto_today()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zw :lua require('telekasten').find_weekly_notes()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zn :lua require('telekasten').new_note()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zN :lua require('telekasten').new_templated_note()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zy :lua require('telekasten').yank_notelink()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zc :lua require('telekasten').show_calendar()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zi :lua require('telekasten').paste_img_and_link()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>zt :lua require('telekasten').toggle_todo()<CR>

" we could define [[ in **insert mode** to call insert link
" inoremap [[ <ESC>:lua require('telekasten').insert_link()<CR>
" alternatively: leader [
inoremap <leader>[ <ESC>:lua require('telekasten').insert_link()<CR>
inoremap <leader>zt :lua require('telekasten').toggle_todo()<CR>

" ----- the following are for syntax-coloring [[links]] and ==highlighted text==
" ----- (see the section about coloring in README.md)

" for gruvbox
hi tkLink ctermfg=72 cterm=bold,underline
hi tkBrackets ctermfg=gray

" highlight ==highlighted== text
hi tkHighlight ctermbg=yellow ctermfg=darkred cterm=bold

The hardcoded stuff

Currently, the following things are hardcoded:

  • the file naming format for daily note files: YYYY-MM-DD.ext (e.g. 2021-11-21.md)
  • the file naming format for weekly note files: YYYY-Www.ext (e.g. 2021-W46.md)
  • the file naming format for pasted images: pasted_img_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.png (e.g. pasted_img_20211126041108.png)