This is the git repository for version 2+ of the PIC-SURE API.
- Java 11
The build consists of the following top level maven modules:
- pic-sure-api-data - for anything database related
- pic-sure-api-war - the actual packaged web application
- pic-sure-api-wildfly - a fully configured wildfly environment which serves as an example configuration as well as an integration testing environment.
- pic-sure-resources - the API that resources must implement to become PIC-SURE compatible as well as any resources we choose to develop(HAIL, i2b2, gNOME, etc)
To build the entire project, change directory to the projects top level, and execute:
mvn clean install
This command will run all tests, with the included WildFly server.
In order to run the app for development you need to set the following environment variables:
PIC_SURE_CLIENT_SECRET - This can be anything you want for testing, foo, bar, just set it to something. PIC_SURE_USER_ID_CLAIM - This should be "email"
To run the app for development, go into the pic-sure-api-wildfly folder and use this:
mvn wildfly:run && mvn wildfly:shutdown
This will start the app with the console output in your terminal session and CTRL-C will kill it correctly.
If you wish to debug your tests from Eclipse, use mvnDebug clean install
and connect your debugger.
If you wish to debug your services while the tests run, set the suspend=n to suspend=y in the wildfly-maven-plugin configuration in the pom file for pic-sure-api-wildfly on the line that looks like:
Both of these will pause the build allowing you to connect your debuggers.