Welcome to the repository containing algorithm solutions from the book "How to Solve it by Computer" by R.G. Dromey. This repository showcases various fundamental algorithms and problem-solving techniques explained in the book, along with their implementations in pseudocode and/or Pascal notation.
"How to Solve it by Computer" is a computer science book that delves into the art of algorithm design and problem-solving. This repository serves as a practical companion, providing code implementations and explanations for selected algorithms from the book. It covers:
- The design considerations and factors associated with algorithmic problem-solving.
- The creative process behind devising innovative solutions for algorithms and data structures.
- The reasoning behind constraints, factors, and design choices.
- Title: How to Solve it by Computer
- Author: R.G. Dromey
- Link to the Book
The first chapter introduces the core aspects of computer problem-solving and algorithm design.
This chapter introduces fundamental algorithms, including:
1. Algorithm 2.1 Exchanging the Values of Two Variables
2. Algorithm 2.2 Counting
3. Algorithm 2.3 Summation of a Set of Numbers
4. Algorithm 2.4 Factorial Computation
5. Algorithm 2.5 Sine Function Computation
6. Algorithm 2.6 Generation of the Fibonacci Sequence
7. Algorithm 2.7 Reversing the Digits of an Integer
8. Algorithm 2.8 Base Conversion
In this chapter, you'll find algorithms for:
1. Algorithm 3.1 Finding the Square Root of a Number
2. Algorithm 3.2 The Smallest Divisor of an Integer
3. Algorithm 3.3 The Greatest Common Divisor of Two Integers
4. Algorithm 3.4 Generating Prime Numbers
5. Algorithm 3.5 Computing the Prime Factors of an Integer
6. Algorithm 3.6 Generation of Pseudo-random Numbers
7. Algorithm 3.7 Raising a Number to a Large Power
8. Algorithm 3.8 Computing the nth Fibonacci Number
Explore these array manipulation algorithms:
1. Algorithm 4.1 Array Order Reversal
2. Algorithm 4.2 Array Counting or Histogramming
3. Algorithm 4.3 Finding the Maximum Number in a Set
4. Algorithm 4.4 Removal of Duplicates from an Ordered Array
5. Algorithm 4.5 Partitioning an Array
6. Algorithm 4.6 Finding the kth Smalles Element
7. Algorithm 4.7 Longest Monotone Subsequence
This chapter covers sorting and searching algorithms:
1. Algorithm 5.1 The Two-way Merge
2. Algorithm 5.2 Sorting by Selection
3. Algorithm 5.3 Sorting by Exchange
4. Algorithm 5.4 Sorting by Insertion
5. Algorithm 5.5 Sorting by Diminishing Increment
6. Algorithm 5.6 Sorting by Partitioning
7. Algorithm 5.7 Binary Search
8. Algorithm 5.8 Hash Searching
Feel free to explore the provided algorithm implementations. You can use them as references, or study materials, or integrate them into your Solutions. Contributions and improvements to the existing code are welcome!
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