
This repository contains my journey of Python Learning.

Primary LanguagePython

My Python Programming Journey

Welcome to my GitHub repository showcasing my journey in learning and practicing the Python programming language. This repository contains a collection of Python programs, projects, and exercises that I have completed as part of my programming education. Feel free to explore the code, contribute, and provide feedback!


In Programs, you'll find a variety of Python programs that I've written. These programs cover various topics and concepts, from basic syntax and data structures to more advanced algorithms and problem-solving exercises.

Some notable programs include:

  • HelloWorld.py: My first Python program.
  • Calculator.py: A simple calculator application.
  • Filehandling.py: Demonstrates file handling techniques.


A few featured projects are:

  • Voting System
  • Calculator


I welcome contributions to this repository! If you have suggestions for improvement, or additional programs/projects to add, please feel free to submit a pull request.


You can reach me via email at lokeshdangi1045@gmail.com or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for visiting my repository!