Angular Quick Reference

  1. TypeScript
  2. Angular


Before learning Angualr we need have basic knowledge about TypeScript and Es6 Features

  1. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript
  2. It contains optional static typing, which can prevent runtime errors
  3. Some of the ES6 Features are modules,classes, constants, interfaces, arrow functions etc.
Type of declaration
  1. var
  2. let
  3. const

var is a function scope and if you use in if block it can access outside the if loop which is bad

    var name = "hi";
    if(name === "hi") {
    var fullname = "hello";

let is block scope but values can be updated

    var name = "hi";
    if(name === "hi") {
    let fullname = "hello";
    fullname = "can updated this value";
    console.log(fullname );  // here we will can get error because it Cannot access outside of the block scope but value can be updated

const is similar to let but here we cannot updated value but we can update it property .

   const num = 1;
    const car = {
        name: "BMW"
    num =2; // will get error
    car["model"] = "Z4 ROADSTER"; // can updated it properties
    console.log(car); // {name: "BMW", model: "Z4"}
Data Type
  1. Boolean
  2. Number
  3. String
  4. Null
  5. Undefined
  6. Symbol
  7. Array
  8. Tuple
  9. enum
  10. any
// Number 
let a = 1;
// array
let x = [1,2,3]; 
let y: Array<string> = ["hi","hello"]; 
let z: string[] = ["hi","hello"];

Operators and Expressions

Arthimetic       +, -, *, /, %
Relational       <, >, <=, >=, == 
Logical          &&, ||, !
Bitwise          &, !, ~, ^
Increment        ++
Decrement        --
Assignment       =
Some Advance Operators
  1. Spread - It spread the elements of array or object. It merging multiple arrays/objects into one flat array/object.Denoted by triple dot (...)
  // array
   let x = [1,2,3]; 
   let y = [5,6,7];
   let z = [...x, ...y];
   console.log(z); // [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]

   // In function
   function add(i?:number,j?:number,k?:number): number{ // here we are saying i,j,k values are optional and type of number and return number
       return i+j+k;
  1. Backticks - It is used to wrap around strings. Used with ${variable} to append the value of a variable to the string.
  // array
   let x = 2; 
   console.log(`the vale of x = ${x}`); // the vale of x = 2
  1. Destructure - Breaks up the structure of an object or array. He tha variable wrapped in “{ }” for objects, and “[ ]” for arrays
  // array
     let x = [1,2,3]; 
   let [firstValue, secondValue] = x;
   console.log(firstValue); // 1
   console.log(secondValue); // 2
   // Object
   let car = {
   name: "BMW",
       model: "Z4 ROADSTER"
   let {model:carModelName} = car; // here model property is alias to carModelName

   // Some more advance
   let x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
   let [firstNumber, ...allNumbersExceptFirstNumber] = x;
   console.log(firstNumber); // 1
   console.log(allNumbersExceptFirstNumber); //  [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Class is a blue print of an object.Many object can be created from same class.O Dot operator is used for accessing members of object.Memory allocated for object is also called as instance.

A constructor is a block of codes similar to the method. It is called when an instance of the class is created. At the time of calling constructor, memory for the object is allocated in the memory.

Encapsulation - Binding (or wrapping) code and data together into a single unit

Interfaces - Like a class, an interface can have methods and variables, but the methods declared in an interface are by default abstract (only method signature, no body).

Inheritance- When one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of a parent object

Access Modifiers - Private, Protected, Public

Arrow Function

Arrow functions allow us to write shorter function syntax

   // Normal 
   hello = function() {
       return "Hello World!";

   // Arrow function
   hello = () => {
       return "Hello World!";
   // Return Default Value then can write
   hello = () => "Hello World!";

   // function with Parameter
   hello = (val) => "Hello " + val;
Arrow function - map
   const number = [1,2,3];
   // ES5 map function
   const updatedNumberEs5 = {
       return x +=1
   console.log(updatedNumberEs5); // [2, 3, 4]

   // ES6 Map function
   const updatedNumberEs6 = x => x+1) // [2, 3, 4]
Arrow function - filter
   const ages = [25,60,12,18];

   const adultsEs5 = ages.filter(function(ages) {
       return ages >= 18;
   console.log(adultsEs6); //  [25, 60, 18]

   const adultsEs6 =ages.filter((ages) =>ages >= 18)
   console.log(adultsEs6); // [25, 60, 18]

