Quasar Weather

A Quasar Weather app is build using Quasar Framework which help to build cross platform application with a single code base. Wann have a look, Here Quasar.dev 😍

Platform Supports
Linux ✔️
Window ✔️
Mac ✔️
Android ✔️
ios ✔️
SPA ✔️
SSR ✔️
PWA ✔️
Browser extenstion ✔️

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Build the app for production

All you have to do is use Quasar Cli to build for different platform using specific paltform configuartion which can be found in Quasar Docs.

quasar build


sudo npm install -g @quasar/icongenie --unsafe-perm

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.

A Simple Weather app
