IPrice Test

Prerequistits At the time of running this project PHP version 7.3 Composer 2.1


We have two directories iprice-string-utilities , iprice-test iprice-string-utilites is a dependency for iprice-test we need to setup both in order to run cli.

  1. Navigate to iprice-string-utilitites and run the following command in terminal/command prompt composer install
  2. Navigate to iprice-test and do the same composer install
  3. Now we are ready to run the application

Steps to run

cd iprice-test


php index.php [-l | -u | -a] | [-c] -v "input"


php index.php -l -c -v "soMeRandomString"
php index.php -u -c -v "soMeRandomString"
php index.php -a -c -v "soMeRandomString"
php index.php -l -v "soMeRandomString"

Available options

  1. -l convert to lowercase
  2. -u convert to uppercase
  3. -a convert to alternate case
  4. -c is an optional if we want to generate csv in root folder we will add this optional flag

Unit Testing

Navigate to iprice-string-utilitites and run the following command.

./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests