
A bot made for Discord that comes with many fun, helpful, and cool features and commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot made for Discord that comes with many fun, helpful, and cool features and commands.


Note: Do not include square brackets in the command arguments

Command Description
!help Displays usage instructions
!price [ticker symbol] Displays stock price
!gamble [amount] Gamble certain amount of points
!ping Pong!
!weather [location] Displays weather information
!8ball [question] Answers the question
!chat [message] Talk with Cleverbot

To Do

Command Description
!help Displays usage instructions
!meme [meme type], [top text], [bottom text] Generates and displays a meme
!translate [from language]>[to language] [text] Translate text from one language to another
!wikipedia [query] Displays Wikipedia summary
!lol highest winrate Displays LoL top 10 highest winrate champions

Feature Requests

Any features that you want added to the bot? Feel free to open an issue and let me know.


Coming soon