
Vue app with Vue Router demonstrating routing, transitions, style bindings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note: The project is created following the steps in the book The Majesty of Vue.js 2. Deployment steps are added by me.

A Vue.js with Vue Router project demonstrating routing, transition, style bindings and basic Vue core functionalities. Built using vue-cli 2.9.1, vue router, express and deployed on Pivotal cloudfoundry web services.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve at localhost:5000
node server.js

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

📰 Deployment

The App is deployed on pivotal cloudfondry. Steps to achieve:

  • npm run build to create the build for production
  • Install express.js and save to dependencies npm install express --save.
  • Create server.js file
  • Check if app is running by using node server.js
  • If yes create Procfile which will contain command to start the app, necessary for deploying on pivotal cloudfoundry webservices

Push the App to cloudfoundry

  • Login to your cloudfoundry account
  • Run the command cf push <<app-name>> -b https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack --random-route -m 128M
  • Random url is created where your app will be hosted.