Web Developer Test

Let's pretend AlgaeCal is creating a simple membership site where customers may view a library of exclusive video content.

The site uses Slim framework as a backend and Nuxt, VueJS and BootstrapVue on the Frontend.

Based on the skeleton code provided, please make the following modifications:

  • Implement a Vuex store. You will use this to store data such as login.

  • The submit form must validate against the list of members. Unlike a real-world application we won't be checking passwords, but we will want to make sure the customer exists. User data is found at the uri: http://localhost:8080/users

  • If a person goes to http://localhost:3000 they should be redirected to a http://localhost:3000/login if they are not logged in, or http://localhost:3000/videos if they are logged in. Login persistence is not a requirement. If I refresh the page, it is okay if I get logged out (and if this does happen, I should get automatically redirected to the login page)

  • A user who is not logged in and goes to anywhere besides /login should be redirected to /login

  • Modify the login form found at uri: http://localhost:3000/login

    • Move the login form into a "LoginForm" component
    • Instead of checking against "email address" as the form currently implies, check against "username"
    • Display the message 'Sorry, that username is not found' if the person does not exist. Otherwise log them in and direct them to http://localhost:3000/videos
  • Copying the patterns used to create the Users, create a video library resource on this RESTful api. The video endpoint should return this JSON:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "What It’s Like To Work At AlgaeCal,
      "description": "Discover what it’s like to work at AlgaeCal with this quick video!",
      "video_id": "m3ralniniq"
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Esther Mangini Testimonial,
      "category": "Testimonials",
      "description": "Esther’s journey to healthier bones”,
      "video_id": "ybyot0dm7q"
      "id": 3,
      "title": "Teresa Cucurull Testimonial",
      "description": "Teresa’s journey to healthier bones”,
      "video_id": "mhmv73k989"
      "id": 4,
      "title": "Perfect Pilates For Osteoporosis - Legwork,
      "description": "Bone Healthy Exercises!”,
      "video_id": "3n5p02h26w"
      "id": 5,
      "title": "Perfect Pilates For Osteoporosis - Amazing Abs",
      "description": "Bone Healthy Exercises!",
      "video_id": "kkgeu7v2va"
      "id": 6,
      "title": "Lara's Homemade Granola",
      "description": "Bone Healthy Recipes",
      "video_id": "m6amjftj3w"
      "id": 7,
      "title": "Brazil Nut Pesto",
      "description": "Bone Healthy Recipes",
      "video_id": "ajoe5d0jk0"
  • The /videos page should use this data to populate the video list. Each list item should link to an individual video playing page, /videos/{video_id} that has a single player and description of the video on it.

  • Video thumbnails can be retrieved using the video_id along with the Wistia video api


  • Nav Bar
  • Footer


/login Blue button to algaecal green Login failure messages: no username found; possible validation checks Better text styling

/videos Layout improvement Hover on list items Click to go to video page Structure video description Videos are filterable based on category

/videos/{video_id} Layout

Components Needed:

LoginForm: the login form itself VideoSummary: Thumbnail, title, description VideoPlayer: Take a Wistia Id and create a player for it.

Notes on Git and Delivery

Note: Make sure your submission includes a complete git history with meaningful commit messages.

When you have completed your test, please save your project to your own repo and email a link to your repo to Steve, Bob and Charlene: steve@algaecal.com, bob@algaecal.com, and charlene@algaecal.com, please make sure your project is accessible to us.

In your email, please also attach your resume and cover letter, and a link to your portfolio/or links to any examples of your work.