
Fork of SpadesX for contribution purposes

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

SpadesX Logo

SpadesX is a C implementation for an Ace of Spades server that supports the protocol 0.75.

C was chosen because of its speed and the need for low latency in FPS games when modding the server as well as when scaling up.

Why "SpadesX"?

We just one day decided to brainstorm the name and ended up on something that sounded cool yet still had the original naming.



If you are using the pre-supplied Dockerfile (details below) please skip this step.

Otherwise, be sure to install the development versions of those:


This method allows you to run SpadesX in a container which might be a more convenient and secure option for you. For your convenience, Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are supplied for you in this repository.

Initial setup commands:

git clone https://github.com/SpadesX/SpadesX

cd SpadesX

git submodule update --init 

docker compose build

Docker provides multiple methods to startup and shutdown the container, however the following may be useful for you.

Note that some commands assume you are already in the folder which the Dockerfile is in (i.e., SpadesX).

  • Startup container, attached: docker compose run spadesx.
  • Startup container, detached: docker compose up -d
  • Shutdown container (whilst in game or in console): /shutdown command
  • Shutdown container (whilst detached): docker compose down

To update your server to the latest commit (please shutdown your server first):

git pull
git submodule update --init  
docker compose build
Unix based systems

Ubuntu 20.04 doesnt have the latest version of json-c and since SpadesX uses some functions that are in later releases you either have to build it on your own or update to 21.04+

git clone https://github.com/SpadesX/SpadesX

cd SpadesX

mkdir build && cd build

cmake ..

make -jX #(Replace X with number of threads you have on your system)

You can use mingw, but you'll still have to install the libraries first.


If you would like to contribute bug fixes, improvements, and new features please take a look at our Contributor Guide to see how you can participate in this open source project.

You can also contact us via the official Discord server.




Main Developer: Haxk20

Special thanks to amisometimes for the SpadesX logo.

Check the Contributor List for a list of the people that helped make this project.


GNU General Public License v3.0