Required: ProtocolLib
Prevention is the best measure, so prevent hacked clients from seeing information that vanilla clients normally cannot see! Currently it hides:
- Health and absorption
- Item names and lore
- Enchantments
- Stack sizes
- Durability
- Potion data
- Status effects
It will automatically strip unnecessary information sent to clients.
# What metadata should be hidden from hacked clients?
hideStackSize: true
hideDisplayName: true
hideLore: true
hideUnbreakable: true
hideEnchantments: true
hideDurability: true
hidePotionData: true
hideHealth: true
hideStatusEffects: true
Certain information is not hidden as I do not have access to a hacked client that can see this information to be able to test it, the list includes:
- Pet owners
- Horse attributes
/metahider info - Plugin info
/metahider reload - Reload config (OP)
metahider.reload (OP)