
"loklak wok" is a harvesting peer for the loklak_server

Primary LanguageJava

Loklak Wok Desktop

The goal of this project is to provide a desktop version of Loklak Wok Android. The origin of the project is a tweet by @Frank_gamefreak.


##How to compile and run

  • import required lib by running setup.sh
  • compile with mvn clean install -Pexecutable-jar
  • run artifact in target dircetory: java -jar wok-desktop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-all-dependencies.jar
  • stop program with ESC key

##To be done

  • The code has been hacked and butchered and is some kind of Frankenstein. It needs cleanup.
  • Font size is hardcoded. How ugly is that?
  • It would be cool to have a project for code shared between Android and Desktop version.
  • The only dependency which can not be resolved via Maven is loklakj. Wouldn't it be cool to change that?
  • The used font does not seem to support Asian characters.


This is licensed under LGPL 2.1. The the file "DroidSansMono.ttf" (which is licensed by the Apache License, see https://www.google.com/fonts/attribution) That means, this is free software!