{{ App Name }}

{{ paragraph explaining what this repo is all about }}

Table of Contents

  1. Links
  2. Development
  3. Deployment
  4. Common Maintenance Tasks


Environment Link
Production {{ link to production }}
{{ Other Env }} {{ link to other env }}

External Links

Name Link
Git Repo(s) {{ link to related git repo(s) }}
Pivotal Tracker https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/{{my-project-id}}
CI {{ link to CI pipeline }}
Miro {{ link to Miro board }}


Project Structure

{{ explain project structure; highlight any patterns or major design decisions new contributors should know about }}

Path Description
/ci CI configuration files and scripts
/{{ other }} {{ other part of project structure }}

Workstation Setup

{{ Detailed steps to get a fresh machine development ready for this repo }}

Additional Setup

{{ Any additional setup needed that is not workstation-specific; e.g., creating 3rd party accounts, getting API keys, etc. }}

Run All Tests

{{ command(s) to run all tests }}

Run App(s)

{{ command(s) to run all apps }}


{{ overview of deployment strategy; where is the app deployed; explain if we deploy from branches or master, from CI, etc. }}

PCF Configuration

{{ explain any non-trivial services in use; e.g., config server, cups, etc. }}

{{ Env 1 }}

{{ how to deploy to Env 1 }}

{{ Env 2 }}

{{ how to deploy to Env 2 }}

Common Maintenance Tasks

{{ Task 1 }}


To perform Task 1:

  1. {{ subtask 1 }}
  2. {{ subtask 2 }}
  3. {{ subtask 3 }}
