React component that renders children elements when they enter the viewport.
- 4
Lazy Load on Array of Images issue
#129 opened by danielnuwin - 1
"Connected" lazyload loads simultaneously
#173 opened by eneadriancatalin - 1
- 1
Testing with Jest
#171 opened by stevenpr72 - 0
Testing with Jest
#170 opened by stevenpr72 - 0
Allow passing a root prop to IntersectionObserver
#169 opened by santialbo - 5
Support browsers without IntersectionObserver
#165 opened by jorrit - 4
Nothing triggers in Safari.
#166 opened by ehsanpo - 0
Rerendering Issue for Lazy Component:
#167 opened by yashbh - 0
.is-visible doesn't work well in loading.
#161 opened by becory - 2
cant i use placeholder img till img load?
#157 opened by cengizilhan - 1
- 2
- 2
How to cache
#133 opened by zhangzhaohui1 - 2
how can i make it work with display:flex?
#112 opened by bitwikinger - 8
in react @16.9.0 Warning:componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See https://fb.me/react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks for details.
#135 opened by chenshufang2015 - 8
Typescript react not supported?
#126 opened by luojinghui - 1
Use IntersectionObserver for performance
#123 opened by lorensr - 2
the dependencies is too old
#127 opened by leeseean - 6
on page load all items load regardless of offset..
#138 opened by jamesryan-dev - 2
Strict Mode compatibility
#145 opened by gempir - 1
- 1
- 1
Remove Lodash dependency
#154 opened by loktar00 - 0
Convert to functional with hooks
#153 opened by loktar00 - 0
Use GH actions pipeline.
#152 opened by loktar00 - 3
Unable to find node on an unmounted component
#117 opened by shablenko - 0
how can i do some thing when `offset` fit, and another when the block comes visable indeed?
#108 opened by 879479119 - 1
Lazy Loading on Horizontal scrolling Container
#109 opened by hamza-jutt - 2
Change debounce default value
#121 opened by crisu83 - 1
remove wrapper height once loaded
#115 opened by freder - 1
Cannot find module ''babel-core/register''
#118 opened by himanshu-9419 - 1
Adding custom props for html elements
#119 opened by tekephillips - 0
it does work on phone WebView
#128 opened by king19910525 - 1
install failed
#132 opened by sanshuiwang - 1
- 2
Does this lib work well for SEO purposes?
#134 opened by ArthurHwang - 1
Does it work with next.js
#149 opened by awkward-minion - 1
Wrap image with <span> instead of <div>
#125 opened by mario-iliev - 1
Any possible way to have auto height?
#120 opened by Drecula - 1
Source code of 3.1.13
#141 opened by KoderFPV - 1
Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types`
#114 opened by FedericoCapaldo - 0
Poor performance in Safari
#142 opened by DoneDeal0 - 5
NPM Installation Error in React@17+
#148 opened by HeppyAndriawan - 1
npm package is not latest
#151 opened by 200itworks - 0
Example For React Lazy Load
#122 opened by saigowthamr - 1
Warning: React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number. It should be a string (for DOM elements) or a ReactClass (for composite components)
#124 opened by chiragpurohit71085 - 3
Wrapped Images with Lazy Load Not Working Anymore After Upgrading to React 16
#116 opened by dschinkel - 3
v3.0.13 not published
#113 opened by acreighton - 2
React16 support
#110 opened by brucewpaul