
A customise shopping application that deals only on hair products with payment method from paystack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tuti-Hairs E-Commerce Application

HomePage Latest-Product Product-Page Product-DetailsPage Cart

Welcome to the Tuti-Hairs e-commerce application repository. This application is designed for the sale of hair products, utilizing a modern tech stack comprising Next.js with TypeScript for the frontend, and JavaScript for the backend. We leverage MongoDB for data persistence, ensuring a robust and scalable solution.


  • User Registration and Profile Management: Users can register and maintain their profiles, facilitating a personalized shopping experience.
  • Product Browsing and Ordering: A wide range of hair products are available for selection and order.
  • Secure Payment Processing: Integration with Paystack for reliable and secure payment transactions.
  • Intelligent Shipping Calculation: An advanced algorithm calculates shipping costs based on user location.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript
  • Backend: JavaScript
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Payment Gateway: Paystack

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Paystack account for payment gateway integration


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your-username/tuti-hairs.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd tuti-hairs

  3. Install the dependencies: npm install


Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following configurations: MONGODB_URI=<your_mongodb_uri> PAYSTACK_KEY=<your_paystack_key>

Running The Application

  • Run the application in development mode: npm run dev

Build the application for production:

npm run build npm start


Contributions to the Tuti-Hairs project are welcome. Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.