
Primary LanguagePython

Inpainting Error Maximization

Author implementation of Inpainting Error Maximization.


The code has been developed and tested with Python 3.8.8 and PyTorch 1.8.0.

Running IEM

The repo will run IEM on the Flowers dataset by default, so you should download and prepare a folder with the dataset images beforehand.

To run IEM:

python main.py PATH_TO_DATASET

PATH_TO_DATASET should point to a folder with setid.mat and subdirectories 'jpg' and 'segmin'.

You can also change settings, such as the kernel size (--kernel-size) and the number of convolutions (--reps) for the Gaussian filter, through command-line arguments.

With the default settings (--kernel-size 11 --reps 2 --sigma 5.0), you should get the following output, which yields an IoU of 76.9 with ~77s runtime on a nVidia 1080ti.

Batch 1/1
	Iter   0: InpError 0.848 IoU 0.505 DICE 0.655
	Iter   1: InpError 0.887 IoU 0.520 DICE 0.667
	Iter 148: InpError 1.435 IoU 0.769 DICE 0.846
	Iter 149: InpError 1.435 IoU 0.769 DICE 0.846
IEM finished in 77.1 seconds

There is also a --scale-factor argument that can be used to speed up IEM by running the inpainter on a downsampled version of the image. This was not used for any of the results in the paper but often a similar performance can be achieved in less time by using that extra feature. For example,

python main.py PATH_TO_DATASET --sigma 2.5 --kernel-size 7 --scale-factor 2

will make IEM perform 2x downsampling on images before the inpainting procedure (sigma was set to 2.5 instead of 5.0 and kernel-size to 7 instead of 11 to compensate downscaling). This will yield 77.1 IoU (actually improving the performance) with a running time of ~49s compared to ~77s without downsampling.

Batch 1/1
	Iter   0: InpError 0.823 IoU 0.509 DICE 0.658
	Iter   1: InpError 0.879 IoU 0.522 DICE 0.668
	Iter 148: InpError 1.439 IoU 0.771 DICE 0.848
	Iter 149: InpError 1.439 IoU 0.771 DICE 0.848
IEM finished in 49.0 seconds


  title={Information-Theoretic Segmentation by Inpainting Error Maximization},
  author={Savarese, Pedro and Kim, Sunnie SY and Maire, Michael and Shakhnarovich, Greg and McAllester, David},
  booktitle={Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},