Employee Tracking Database is a Node command line application that allows users to create and connect to a database to store all employee information. This content management system uses inquierer and MySQl to prompt the user for what information they would like to input or recieve.
Information is stored in three tables.
- DEPARTMENTS table keeps track of the different department names
- ROLE table keeps the info of the title, salary, ID for the role, and department ID
- EMPLOYEE table keeps track of employee ID, first name, last name, role ID, and manager ID.
As a business owner
I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
So that I can organize and plan my business
After creating a databse using the provided schema, iniitialize the program with node server.js
The current application is fully functional, but in the future additional features would incrase the usefullness of the app:
Update employee managers
View employees by manager
Delete departments, roles, and employees
View the total utilized budget of a department -- ie the combined salaries of all employees in that department
MySQL npm pacakge to connect to your MySQL database and perform queries MySQL
InquiererJs NPM package to interact with the user via the command-line InquirerJs
Console.table is used to print more readable MySQL rows to the console console.table