
faas-monitor application periodically retrieve OpenFaaS functions metrics (such as response time, throughput, CPU utilization and more) and publish them to NATS included by default in OpenFaaS.

Available metrics

  • Function number of replicas
  • Function invocation rate
  • Function average response time
  • Function average processing time
  • Function average cold start time
  • Function throughput
  • Function nodes
  • Per replica CPU utilization
  • Per replica memory utilization


faas-monitor makes use of available API of Prometheus, Kubernetes Metrics Server and API Server, and OpenFaaS gateway in order to get the most relevant functions' metrics.


Getting Started


Before trying out this project make sure you have installed OpenFaaS on your kubernetes cluster.

Deploy your functions with the prometheus.io.scrape=true prometheus.io.port=8081 annotations if you are interested in the processing time metric.


Edit deployment file in order to match components hostnames and set your preferred scrape period.


            - name: SCRAPE_PERIOD
              value: "60"
            - name: PROMETHEUS_URL
              value: "http://prometheus.openfaas:9090"
            - name: GATEWAY_URL
              value: "http://gateway.openfaas:8080"
            - name: NATS_URL
              value: "http://nats.openfaas:4222"
            - name: NATS_SUBJECT
              value: "metrics"

Deploy the application in a kubernetes cluster as follows:

$ make install