Simplified Raspberry Pi GPIO upload of FPGA firmware files through JTAG (original by Chris McClelland)

Primary LanguageC


Relatively standalone uploading of SVF to FPGAs using JTAG and GPIO of Raspberry Pi (based on code by Chris McClelland)

Tested with Raspberry Pi 3 and Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A35T.

Generate svf-file from tcl console:

create_hw_target -svf true svftarget_0

open_hw_target [get_hw_targets */svftarget_0]

create_hw_device -part xc7a35t

set_property PROGRAM.FILE {D:/FPGA/plainled/plainled.runs/impl_1/main.bit} [get_hw_devices xc7a35t_0_1]

program_hw_devices -disable_eos_check [get_hw_devices xc7a35t_0_1]

write_hw_svf -force D:/FPGA/svftarget.svf