
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Mininam Requirements: Java 11, Maven 3.8

# change directory to backend
cd feedback-board/backend

# install the repo with mvn
mvn install

# start the backend
mvn spring-boot:run

# the app will be running on port 8081
  • Database: This project uses a MySQL Database check and edit application.yml in the resource directory for the connection properties. Here is an example for a MySQL DB:

  • After creating a database and initially running the spring application the tables are generated automatically but you have to execute the following

  • two queries for the users to work correctly.

  • INSERT INTO authority (id, name) VALUES (1, 'ROLE_USER');

  • INSERT INTO authority (id, name) VALUES (2, 'ROLE_ADMIN');

      # possible values: validate | update | create | create-drop
      ddl-auto: create-drop
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/myDatabase
    username: myUser
    password: myPassword
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Hint: For other databases like MySQL sequences don't work for ID generation. So you have to change the GenerationType in the entity beans to 'AUTO' or 'IDENTITY'.


  • WebSecurityConfig.java: The server-side authentication configurations.
  • application.yml: Application level properties i.e the token expire time, token secret etc. You can find a reference of all application properties here.
  • JWT token TTL: JWT Tokens are configured to expire after 10 minutes, you can get a new token by signing in again.

Generating password hash for users

I'm using bcrypt to encode passwords. Your can generate your hashes with this simple tool: BCrypt Calculator


Make sure you also have minimal NPM 6.12.0, Node 12.13.0 and angular-cli@9.1.3 globally installed

# change directory to the repo's frontend folder
cd feedback-board/backend

# install the frontend dependencies with npm
# npm install @angular/cli@9.1.3 -g
npm install

# start the frontend app
npm start

# change directory to the repo's backend folder
cd ../backend

# install the server dependencies with mvn
mvn install

# start the backend server
mvn spring-boot:run

# the fronend angular app will be running on port 4200
# the spring-boot server will be running on port 8081


# change directory to the repo's frontend folder
cd feedback-board/frontend

# install the frontend dependencies with npm
# npm install @angular/cli@9.1.3 -g
npm install

# build frontend project to /backend/src/main/resources/static folder
ng build

# change directory to the repo's backend folder
cd ../backend

# install the backend dependencies with mvn
mvn install

# start the server
mvn spring-boot:run

# the app will be running on port 8081