
Animation of bifurcation diagram as "a" changes of n ↦ re⁻ⁿⁿ(a-e⁻ⁿⁿ)

Primary LanguagePython

Bifurcation diagram

Animation as "a" changes of n ↦ re-n2(a-e-n2)

Licence: public domain



This is the python script for generating the images as a sequence of png files in a subdirectory "vid". It is Python 2.7 compatible but should be run with the 2.7 compatible version of the Pypy jit-compiler so that it completes in ~30 minutes rather than 30 hours. Requires the "Pillow" fork of the "PIL" image library. Tested on Ubuntu -- and uses Ubuntu's location of its fonts. The script is dense and not very readable because it was created by stepwise refinement to improve visualisation of the animation.


Bash script to add the reversed sequence to the images, created from the existing images, so that the animation runs forward then backwards in a loop.


Bash script to convert png image sequence to mp4 video. Needs the "real" ffmpeg that's in most very recent Linux distros but not the "fake" ffmpeg that's a front-end to avconv that was in many distros until just recently.