
As almost all Linux distro`s are lacking usb sound notification, I have made a easy script to add them. Enjoy

Primary LanguageShell

The story I cannot believe that desktop enviroments don't put much accent to this. Having a sound and a notification when you insert a USB device is a basic OS functionality. I have proposed this to the KDE devs ( Desktop Enviroment of my choice) many times! So, in the end, I have deciced to make it myself.


Now the script support USB names! This is very handy!. Be sure your distro supoorts dmesg without root acces ( without sudo). If not, edit the script and set

use_names="true" fix_dmesg_for_users="true"

How to install

Download the content of this repository with either git or a manual download.

The git way:

git clone https://github.com/lolren/USB-Notification-Linux

cd USB-Notification-Linux/

sudo chmod +x USB-Notification-Installer.sh

sudo ./USB-Notification-Installer.sh

If you want to get devices names, ensure the dmesg command works without sudo. if it doesn't, set fix_dmesg_for_users="false" to fix_dmesg_for_users="true"

Then Follow the Menu! N'joy!

***Requirements ***

This script require a system running Systemd. Aplay is also required for playing sounds. Also, use libnotify or libnotify-bin if you want a notification when you insert/remove a USB device and you don't use KDE. Other than that, this script should be distro/release agnostic.

If you want your own sound files, just replace the two .WAV files with your own.

Tested on KDE Neon Distro Should work on every systemd distro The 2 sounds used are from https://invent.kde.org/raploz/blue-ocean-sound-theme , made by Guilherme Marçal Silva.

P.S. I am a terrible coder. But what I write, usually does the job. Any improvements are welcome. This is an image