
Convert objective-c source code to lua.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight objective-c-to-lua converter written in javascript. It focuses only on objective-c instead of lua's crazy grammar.

How to use

It's easy to use.

  1. clone or download this project
  2. run oc2lua-beta.html in your browser
  3. copy your objective-c code to the left textbox
  4. press convert
  5. the converted lua code will appear on the right textbox.


Jan 4, 2016

  • Method convert bug fixed.

  • Support convert method define:

- (void)viewDidLoad {

Jan 3, 2016

  • Add convert error alert.

Jan 2, 2016

  • Support C function now.

Dec 31, 2015

  • Support NSString now.

  • Support BOOL now.

  • Support if now.

  • . grammar bug fixed.

  • for loop bug fixed.


Of course, but in order to be compatible without alibaba's wax framework, a little modification is required.


It's not perfect yet.

  • Quick operation of NSDictionary and NSArray are not supported:
NSMutableArray *arr;
NSMutableDictionary *dic;

//these operation are not supported:
id obj1 = arr[1];
id obj2 = dic[@"objkey1"];
dic[@"objkey2"] = obj1;
  • You can only use for for loops like these:
for(type name = value1; name < value2; type++) {
for(type name = value1; name < value2; type--) {
for(type *value in array) {

Special Thanks

Thank sherlock for his front-end styles.