
POC project about requesting some public data from twitter, publishing it on a kafka topic, consuming it and store it in ES.

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a POC for playing with Spring Kafka, ElasticSearch, and Twitter API. Docker is multi-stage with the layered spring boot jar.

Usage via docker


  • cd twitter-indexer-producer
  • ./mvnw clean install
  • docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up --build
  • create & fill out the docker/.env file with the missing secrets based on the env-vars.tpl template file
  • docker-compose -f docker/twitter-indexer-compose.yml up --build


  • cd twitter-consumer
  • ./mvnw clean install
  • docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up --build
  • docker-compose -f docker/twitter-consumer-compose.yml up --build
Note: twitter api secrets are required to fire the service up! env-vars.tpl file contains all of them to show an
example about them. That means that you need a Twitter developer account with a Twitter App.

Tech Stack

  • Spring Boot (2.2.5)
  • Liquibase
  • Postgres
  • ElasticSearch
  • Twitter developed HBC API
  • SchedLock
  • Spring Kafka
  • Docker
  • Maven
