Lomod is a back-end service for personal video/photo backup, sharing and management. Check out https://lomorage.com/ for more detail about the product.
Note: This repository only holds binary releases for Linux with below architectures:
- armhf: for raspberry pi arm32 user
- arm64: for raspberry pi arm64 user
- amd64: non-pi user
If you want to install on other OS, please refer https://lomorage.com/installation/
Command Usage
--backup-dir value backup directory
--backup-time value daily local backup time. Format is like hh:mm:ss. Timezone is local running machine timezone (default: "02:00:00")
--base value, -b value base directory to store db file (default: "/home/qiwa/go/src/bitbucket.org/lomoware/lomo-backend")
--check-interval value interval to run consistent check. Unit in day (default: 7)
--log-dir value logfile directory
--mdns-domain value mdns search domain name (default: "local.")
--mdns-name value mdns service name (default: "qiwa-Aspire-ME600")
--mdns-service value mdns service type (default: "_lomod._tcp")
--mount-dir value mount directory to find out mounted usb disk (default: "/media")
--no-mdns disable mdns for service discovery
--no-mount this mode is mainly used at desktop version. Mount directory is what user defined when it starts lomod server, and no mount disk in this case
--port value, -p value (default: 8000)
--preview-size value list of image preview size. Multiple resolution is supported, and each is separated with ';'. Format is like <width1>x<height1>;<width2>x<height2>;... (default: "75x0;320x0")
--preview-size-video value list of video preview size. 0 means disable video preview generation. Multiple resolution is supported, and each is separated with ';'. Format is like <width1>x<height1>;<width2>x<height2>;... (default: "480x0")
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Mount-dir argument is to specify the path for storing the photo / video assets. By default it is /media
at raspberry pi, all external USB disks should also be mounted under this directory, so that lomod
can read the list of USB disks and return to mobile client. User can also select the desired disks when user is created. The user's home path is mount-dir + <usb disk UUID> + <user name>
If user doesn't use external USB disk, he needs add --no-mount
option, thus, lomod will use mount-dir + <user name>
as user's home path.
Video preview generation takes more system resources. If server has less compute resource, user can specify preview-size-video=0
to disable video preview generation