
Android project with an example call to Blockchain API and the view with wallet balance plus the list of transactions.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

My Blockchain Wallet

Android project with an example call to Blockchain.com API and the view with wallet balance plus the list of transactions, which can be refreshed with a Toolbar action. Written in Kotlin using Android Studio 4.1. Beta 1, follows MVI design pattern, and uses libraries, such as Retrofit, RxJava, Hilt, Mockito, Espresso and others.

Libraries used:

  • AppCompat
  • Material
  • Retrofit 2
  • RxJava 3
  • Gson
  • Hilt
  • Mockito
  • Espresso
  • Barista
  • JUnit


Unit tests

The project incluces unit tests, written with Mockito and JUnit.

UI tests

The project incluces UI tests, written with Espresso and Barista.

Icons used in the app are made by:

Freepik and Kiranshastry from www.flaticon.com