

GoFile API

License MIT


To upload a file to gofile.io you must use multipart / form-data.

New format to be able to upload

from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import sys

import requests

async def encode_file(name:str) -> dict:
    mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder(
            'filesUploaded': (name, open(name, 'rb'))
    return mp_encoder

async def get_server() -> str:
    url = "https://api.gofile.io/getServer"
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as resp:
            server = await resp.json()
            return server['data']['server']

async def upload_server(server:str) -> dict:
        url = f"https://{server}.gofile.io/uploadFile"
        data_json = await encode_file("music.m4a")

        #Unable to send file using async methodologies like aiohttp, some kind of weird error happens
        #It says the uploaded file format is incorrect
        #I still don't have a solution for this.
        #ERROR: Only io.IOBase, multidict and (name, file) pairs allowed, use .add_field() for passing more complex parameters
        response = requests.post(
            headers={'Content-Type': data_json.content_type}

        return response.json()

    except Exception as e:
        trace_back = sys.exc_info()[2]
        line = trace_back.tb_lineno
        print(f"ERROR UPLOAD -> {e} | {line}")

async def main() -> None:
    server_get = await get_server()
    response = await upload_server(server=server_get)
    print('LINK: ',response['data']['downloadPage'])



Finding server

   method GET

Returns the best server available to receive uploads Response example



  • required filesUploaded
    formData files Must contain one or multiple files.
  • email
    formData string Must contain an email address syntax. The upload will be stored on this account.
  • description
    formData string Must contain a description of the upload
  • password
    formData string Must contain a password of the upload
  • tags
    formData string Must contain the tags of the upload. If there are multiple tags, seperate them with comas (example : tags1,tags2)
  • expire
    formData integer Must contain an expiration date of the upload in a form of timestamp.

example in python

    from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
    import requests
    import json

    mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder(
            'filesUploaded': ('file_name.txt', open('file_name.txt', 'rb'))
    r = requests.post(
        headers={'Content-Type': mp_encoder.content_type}
    scrap =  r.json()
    #send "Token file" 123Abc
    Token = scrap['data']['code']

Response example


Your access link will look like this :https://gofile.io/?c=123Abc

Validating your file

To validate the file and get the direct link, you will need to validate your token on the server, by sending it your token

example in python

    import requests

    session = requests.Session()

    sendToken = 'https://apiv2.gofile.io/getServer?c={}'.format(Token)
    validating = 'https://srv-file9.gofile.io/getUpload?c={}'.format(Token)

    headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36 OPR/67.0.3575.137'}

    session.get(sendToken, headers=headers)
    session.get(validating, headers=headers)

    r = 'https://srv-file9.gofile.io/download/{}/file_name.txt'.format(Token)

Your access link will look like this: https://srv-file9.gofile.io/download/123Abc/file_name.txt
