
an acserver written in python

Primary LanguagePython

London Hackspace ACNode Server

Docker Development Environment

Copy acserver/ldap_local_settings_example.py to local_settings.py remove the DB configuration and run docker-compose up for a functional development environment

To create an initial user for testing:

docker-compose exec server python manage.py createsuperuser

venv Development Environment

Assuming Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install python-django python-django-auth-ldap python-sqlite python-psycopg2 python-netaddr python-pip

Also and/or otherwise try running make, the included Makefile should build a virtualenv with the right bits in it for you. You can activate the virtualenv with . ./venv/bin/activate

For LDAP syncing:

If you are usinbg LDAP run:

./manage.py syncldap

also add that to cron every 10 mins or so.

now import the carddb.json:

./manage.py updatecarddb /path/to/carddb.json

(If you just want some initial data to test with you can use server/test_data/0_carddb.json)

Using the permissions thing with LDAP:

Go to the "Authentication and Authorization" section of the Django admin and then to Groups.

Add an ACServer Admins group that has all the 'tool' and 'permissions' permissions and 'tool use time | Can add tool use time' and 'log | Can add log'.

Now you can add a user to that group (you have to do it from the users page) and they will be able to add tools and permissions. Note that they can set a permission for anyone on any tool!

Running tests:

Running all the tests:

./manage.py test

n.b. there are a few sleeps in there, so don't worry if it pauses for a couple of seconds.

Running just some tests:

./manage.py test server.tests.<testclass>


./manage.py test server.tests.ToolTests

you can also run a specific test:

./manage.py test server.tests.ToolTests.test_adduser

Running coverage tests:

You'll need to install the python-coverage package (on debian), on other distros the command may just be 'coverage'

python-coverage run --source='.' manage.py test ; python-coverage html


  • permissions for users in the admin:
  • some can make others maintainers for any tool
  • some users can only maintain some tools
  • most can do nothing
  • a nice page of tool usage stats

future things: If we get emails in the carddb then send someone an email if they are made a user or maintainer