
Find parking spots on a map

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Parking Map

Find parking spots on a map


The installation is in 7 steps:

  1. clone repository git clone git@github.com:lone-star/parking_map.git
  2. install node.js
  3. install gulp
  4. install all dependencies: cd parking_map; npm install
  5. copy the settings file: cp ./app/src/settings.json.example ./app/src/settings.json
  6. set your Google Maps API Key: vim ./app/src/settings.json
  7. start the server: gulp

Enjoy @ localhost:3000

Build Script

The build script does 5 things:

  1. clean build/js and build/css directories
  2. compile scripts
  3. compile styles
  4. start the server
  5. keep the build updated

Compile scripts

The application uses Browserify in order to manage dependencies. The application endpoint is ./app/src/app.js. Browserify will resolve all dependencies, they will them be compiled in the file ./build/js/app.min.js. In order to handle our Handlebars templates, we will use a custom function to compile our templates and include them inside the final build. This is defined in ./libs/handlebars_assets.js.

Compile styles

We use the Less preprocessor to compile our stylesheets. Less files are compiled into css, and bundled inside ./build/css/app.min.css.

Start the server

The application uses a simple express.js webserver (located in ./server.js). It has 3 purposes:

  1. Serving our main ./index.html file in /
  2. Giving access to static scripts via /static
  3. Proxying the parkatmyhouse API via /api

Keeping the build updated

A script watches modifications on js, less or hbs files. On every modification, it recompiles the assets.

The Client Application

The client application is built with Backbone.js, it consists of 4 modules:

  • LocationCollection
  • SearchView
  • MapView
  • DetailsView


The LocationCollection searches for parking locations according to a query string. It also keep the state of the application by enabling the selection of a location. When a location is selected, it triggers a event to update its observers.


The SearchView takes in searches from the UI. It offers autocomplete via the Google Maps Autocomplete service. Its sends the search queries to the LocationCollection.


The MapView will handle all operations related to the map. It listens for reset and locationSelected events on the LocationCollection. On receiving a reset event, it updates the list of markers on the map. When a locationSelected event occurs, it displays the path from the selected location to the searched location.


The DetailsView displays all the information relative to the currently selected location. When the LocationCollection triggers a locationSelected event, it will update the DOM with the newly selected location.