
A Pytorch implementation of "Scaling Up Open Tagging from Tens to Thousands: Comprehension Empowered Attribute Value Extraction from Product Title" (ACL 2019).

Primary LanguagePython

BERT FOR Attribute Value Extraction

A Pytorch implementation of "Scaling Up Open Tagging from Tens to Thousands: Comprehension Empowered Attribute Value Extraction from Product Title" (ACL 2019).

paper: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1514.pdf

Structure of the model

The author explicitly model the semantic representations for attribute and title, and develop an attention mechanism to capture the interactive semantic relations in-between to enforce our framework to be attribute comprehensive.

Architecture of the proposed attribute-comprehension open tagging model


  1. pytorch=1.3.0
  2. cuda=9.0


{"id": 19, "title": "热风2019年春季新款潮流时尚男士休闲皮鞋透气低跟豆豆鞋h40m9107", "attribute": "款式", "value": "豆豆鞋"}

download link: BaiDuYun

How to use the code

  1. Modify the configuration information in run_attr_crf.py or run_attr_crf.sh .
  2. sh run_attr_crf.sh